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Start! Comprehensive image boost
Underlight is a new and unique image agency in Szczecin market. Sylwia Cyza-Słomska, the owner, talks about the business, her experience and plans for the future.

Underlight deals with the broadly understood image creation, both for the needs of companies and individuals. Its service offer includes copywriting, preparation and editing of promotional materials, website services and keeping profiles on social media.
A person willing to use the services of Underlight can also expect to have his or her colour analysis prepared, a suitable make-up selected and applied or will even be offered make-up practical training. Photography is another important aspect of Underlight‘s operations. The agency prepares promotional materials and image building photos for companies to put on websites and it organizes private photo sessions for individual clients.
“Establishing a business of this kind was on my mind for quite a while, but it was only when I took my maternity leave that I realized what my priorities were. I decided to launch my own company and seize full control over the time and place of my work and over its final results. Naturally, if you engage in such an undertaking, the responsibility grows in proportion to the work satisfaction,” explains Sylwia Cyza-Słomska.
When choosing the profile for her business Sylwia Cyza-Słomska primarily relied on her professional experience and skills, but she also took into account her new passions which she is determined to hone to perfection. For over 6 years she worked as a journalist for local papers and as a spokesperson for a large institution. “Finally, the moment arrived when writing was no longer enough. This is when I enrolled to the image styling school.”
“I devoted several years to the task of developing my own distinctive carrier path. My husband is a photographer, so I often participated in fashion or election-related photo sessions – first as an assistant, and then often as a make-up artist and stylist. All the time however my dream was to spread my wings, to work in many dimensions and impact the image as a whole - hence the concept of Underlight,” she adds.
To put her plans into action she decided to use the EU support. Through the intermediary of the Local Employment Office she received a grant to start her own business. She used the money to buy the required equipment - inter alia mobile studio lightening - and put together the proper make-up artist kit.
Underlight has been operational for not more than a month, but thanks to the owner’s earlier experience and activities, the company does not start from the word go. “I have a group of people to fall back on, people I have worked with during earlier projects. I hope that my past experience and portfolio will advertise my services best, also among potential future clients. The renown in this sector mainly spreads by word of mouth and having satisfied clients is the best promotional tactic to follow,” she comments.
That being said, Sylwia Cyza-Słomska does not neglect other channels of communication. As an image building expert, she has begun by making sure that her own is up to scratch. She has her own profile on social media, she is working on her website and is contemplating some other publicity boosting steps. “I also try to get through to people and companies that never worked on their image before or those that wish to refresh the way in which they are perceived. There is a lot of hard work ahead, but I am ready to take it on, because my objective is to create a recognizable and credible brand as well as a workplace in which I will be able to develop personally and fulfil myself.
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