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On the eve of the tourist season
Two million tourists, nearly 120 thousand of places to stay and 29 investment projects over the span of two years – these data confirm that West Pomerania is among the most popular tourist regions in Poland.

The data have been derived from the research conducted in 2014 on national and foreign tourist traffic in West Pomerania. When compared with other regions of Poland, our beaches are cleanest and we dispose of the highest number of places to stay. Considering the gradual increase in the number of tourists observed over the last several years, it can be expected that during the nearest season more than 2 million of people will spend their vacation in West Pomerania.
According to the latest data over 2 million of tourists, including 500 thousand of foreigners, visited West Pomerania in 2013 , which constitutes a 119% increase as compared with 2010. The rise in numbers is especially conspicuous when analysing the percentage of foreign visitors – in 2013 almost 133% more of tourists from abroad visited our region, with the prevailing number of Germans (data of the Main Statistical Office).
Our region is also the undisputed leader in terms of tourist accommodation – it provides 17.8 percent of all accommodation services in Poland. On the national scale, the average length of a holiday stay is 2.7 day, whereas in the West Pomeranian region tourists typically stay for 5.4 days (the same level as in 2010). On average, Poles spent PLN 385.70 on their vacation in our region while the spending of an average foreigner amounts to PLN 933.50. If the persons who spend the nights with their family or friends and the visitors who do not stay overnight are added, it is estimated (based on the data of the Main Statistical Office for 2012) that 4.8 million of tourists come to our region in a year. Consequently, it seems that the annual revenues from tourism in West Pomerania should reach the amount of nearly PLN 2.5 billion.
According to the status as at 2013 there are 1293 accommodation facilities in West Pomerania (West Pomerania takes the third position right behind the Pomorskie and Małopolskie regions) 118 of which are hotels (53 of the three-star standard). In addition, we dispose of 119,886 thousand of beds (the highest number in Poland). West Pomerania also seems very attractive for investors – 29 new accommodation facilities were built over the period from the end of July 2013 until now.
Our beaches also appear to be the cleanest of all. Last year 24 out of 34 Blueflag awards given in Poland were presented to beaches in our region. Blue Flags are awarded to beaches and marinas that meet strict criteria for water quality, environmental education, environmental management, and safety and services.
“West Pomerania attracts tourists because of its excellent recreation centres, spas and medical care facilities. Tourism and healthcare have turned into West Pomeranian regional specialties. We promote various sports as leisure activities, For instance, sailing and kitesurfing have virtually become our trademarks”, observes Olgierd Geblewicz, the Marshal of the West Pomeranian Region.
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