
News 2015-09-14

OT Logistics pockets PLN 5.8 m

Szczecin company operating in the transport, freight and port sector shows net profit in 2015.

OT Port Świnoujście belonging to OT Logistics Capital Group /fot.: archive / OT Port Świnoujście belonging to OT Logistics Capital Group /fot.: archive /
The profit reported for the six months of 2015 earned by the whole OT Logistics Capital group is PLN 600k lower than the profit for the same period in the previous year. The Capital Group’s revenue amounted to PLN 370.4 bn. which represents a decrease of PLN 23.5 m compared to the previous period.
“A few key factors came into play as regards the financial performance of OT Logistics in the second quarter. The main one is the situation on the coal and steel market which impacts the financial standing of companies in various industries. In our case, the situation on the market affected the volume of goods shipped and reloaded in the ports and our terminal on the Poland-Ukraine border”, explains OT Logistics chairman Zbigniew Nowik.
“We have taken measures to improve our position and we’re constantly looking for new business opportunities in the East. Unfortunately, the geopolitical situation in the region does not help”, adds Zbigniew Nowik.
In July, OT Logistics paid PLN 61.2 m for newly issued shares in the company Luka Rijeka d.d. operating the biggest port in Croatia. Thus the company has become the largest (after Croatia State Treasury) investor in it with a 20.81 percent interest.
Furthermore, in mid-August the company concluded a preliminary agreement with the Management Board of Gdansk Sea Port for a 30-year lease of a property with a surface area of about 26 ha. OT Logistics signed the lease with a view to carrying out an important investment in the future – construction of a new reloading and storage terminal – and becoming more active in handling cereals and animal feed. At the same time, OT Logistics acquired a rail company Landkol specialising in freight transport of aggregate and bulk goods.
aktualizowano: 2015-09-25 00:39
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