
News 2012-01-16

Start!: Stetiner – business with great pump

In this article of the Start! series we are talking to Mateusz Warycha who invested EU funds in pumps and dehumidifiers available for rent.

Mateusz Warycha /fot. ŁP/ Mateusz Warycha /fot. ŁP/ What do you do?

Mateusz Warych: The core business of Stetiner is rental of equipment necessary for pumping out of water, i.e. all types of pumps, dehumidifiers and snowploughs. We also provide related services, i.e. water and snow removal and dehumidification.

Where did you get the idea for business from?

First of all, I learnt about grants for the start up of business available from the Human Capital Programme via the Academic Enterprise Incubator at the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin. I was a student then and I wondered which business I could combine with studies and other activities. I thought about a rental shop.

And why pumps?

For some years now I have been a volunteer fireman at OSP Szczecin - Smerdnica. After heavy rain we often had to help residents of various parts of Szczecin with removing water from houses, basements, etc. I noticed that people would willingly do it on their own, but they did not have proper equipment. There were only large companies in the market renting construction equipment, but they did not offer pumps like those used by the fire-fighters. So I thought about buying one myself. I also bought pumps used on construction sites. I then thought that this was not enough. Once you remove water, there are wet premises which need drying. This was why I bought a dehumidifier. And then I thought about removal of snow so that there would be something to do in winter.

How much was the grant that you received?

I got PLN 26 thousand which I spent on top-quality professional equipment: floating pump, sludge pump, dehumidifier, snowplough and washing machine. High quality was the priority, because the machines would be used by clients and they could not break down very often. I bought all accessories, e.g. hoses and reducers with my own funds.

What else, apart from machines, do you need for this type of business?

A car is useful to deliver the equipment to clients. Also a phone and a website.

Who are your clients?

Individuals who want to remove water from their basement after heavy rain, but also construction companies which need to pump out water, e.g. from ditches, during construction. They usually rent machines for a longer time, e.g. several weeks. Individuals are more likely to order an entire service.

How did you get your first clients?

I started with a website with information about all the services offered by the company. Clients who want to rent something usually look for information in the Internet, but they often find large and well-known companies and choose their services.
Small companies, like mine, are best advertised by clients. If someone uses my services, sees that I have good equipment and competitive prices, passes the information on and very often uses my services again.

How many clients are interested in your services?

I started the business a year ago and I did not expect a boom, but I do see a growing interest, not only in Szczecin. The equipment is not yet used every day. In fact, there needs to be heavy rain or a breakdown for me to get orders. Throughout the year I had over a dozen orders – both from individuals who rent the equipment for one day and construction companies that need it for two weeks. It’s a good business, if it is not your major source of income.

How much does it cost to rent a pump?

It’s PLN 100–120 for 24 hours. For a complete service the price is individual.

Do you hire any employees?

I work by myself. I am available at the phone and can deliver the equipment at any time. The water removal, however, is not an easy job and if I get an order like that, I have somebody to help me.

What are the costs of your business?

I pay for social security premium, fuel, phone and the website.

Do you have serious competition?

There are many companies that rent construction equipment and they are very popular. However, none of them has the pump like I do. It was very difficult to rent a snowplough. But I changed it.

What are your business plans for the future?

I definitely want my company to grow. I would like to expand the range of services and equipment. I also noticed that there is demand for such services outside Szczecin, in smaller towns and villages. It would be a good idea to offer my services there.


This article is part of the Start! series in which we present young companies in the Zachodniopomorskie region.









aktualizowano: 2012-06-28 09:37
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