
News 2014-02-24

Drobimex winning new markets – from Szczecin to Malta

In the next two years a poultry processing plant from Szczecin-Dąbie will invest nearly PLN 40 million in company growth and strengthening market position.

Growing domestic and export sales and further modernization of the plant are key objectives of the strategy followed by the company from the German PHW Group.

Despite difficult market conditions, the Management Board of Drobimex has been investing in the company’s growth and modernization. Last year the production plant in Szczecin Dąbie launched production in a new chicken part packaging facility. The Company has also been rebuilding a container loading platform and redesigning the process of chicken cooling. Building works related to the expansion of the manufacturing plant will start this year. Significant funds are also planned to be invested in purchasing new machines and equipment. A new facility for slicing and packaging cold meat products worth PLN 12 million will be installed in the Goleniów plant. The total capital expenditure for expanding and modernising both plants is expected to reach PLN 40 million. In the coming years the company intends to increase the number of poultry slaughtered from 105 thousand to 160 thousand a day.

Employing 680 people, last year the company started cooperation with new retail chains operating countrywide, which has helped it strengthen its market position. In the 2012/2013 financial year, the total turnover amounted to PLN 450 million, including PLN 350 million of revenue from sales of meat and cold meats, which implies a 3.6 percent growth versus the previous year. The high turnover resulted from the sale of over 40 thousand tons of meat and cold meats. Sales of sliced cold meat products have grown considerably up to ca. 90 tons per month.

Apart from meat, Drobimex offers 80 different types of products. As the first manufacturer of poultry cold meats, the company has developed a wide range of gluten-free products. As a result, 11 products of Drobimex have been certified by the Polish association of people suffering from coeliac disease and being on a gluten-free diet.

Export comprises about 30 percent of the company’s revenue and Drobimex sells its products to a number of EU Member States. The company has also entered the Russian market. Every year Drobimex has also increased its sales to KFC restaurants providing meat to the chain not only in Poland but also in the UK, France, Denmark and Malta. For the last year the company has also supplied meat to KFC restaurants in Prague.



aktualizowano: 2014-03-12 12:44
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