Accounting and tax audit
The need to take responsibility over the account books takes place both while running own business and while fulfilling work duties.

It is broadly known that pursuant to Article 4 par. 5 of the Accounting Act it is the manager of a business unit that takes full responsibility for the accounts accuracy. At that point a question arises whether the accounts were kept by the previous person with due care and in line with the applicable provisions. Such certainty and good sleep can be guaranteed by accountancy and fiscal audit.
Accountancy and fiscal audit aims at controlling whether documents comply with the actual state. In the progress of such a control it is possible to discover all irregularities that occurred in book keeping - says Mrs Anna Maj, manager of Grupa Doradczo Księgowa Poncyliusz i Radź. The accountancy and fiscal verification is an element of internal audit and is connected with formal inspection of the following: Account books, Revenue and Expense Book, VAT Registration. Audit of documentation in terms of accountancy means verification against possible miscalculations and assuring oneself that all requirements are fulfilled in order to accept a document as an acknowledgement of receipt.
Account books verification provided by Grupa Doradczo Księgowa Poncyliusz i Radź is the control of documents conducted in compliance with all applicable laws. What is more it safeguards customer against tax arrears and consequently against possible sanctions resulting from fiscal control carried out by Tax Office or ZUS. The audit is carried out by experienced accountants and tax advisers. Upon the verification the customer is provided with confirmation report that includes information on discovered errors or irregularities, together with their detailed description, and instructions how to correct them. We take full responsibility for the books we have verified.
Among the accountancy and fiscal audit services provided by Grupa Doradczo Księgowa Poncyljusz i Radź the following can be found: audit of account books performed pursuant to the Accounting Act, audit of the VAT Purchase and Sale Register records executed in line with the Act on the Goods and Services Tax as well as correctness of calculations in VAT return, PIT and CIT declarations.
Accounting and Tax Audit please contact:
Sebastian Goschorski
+48 536 920 208

Firma Audytorsko-Księgowa z Grupy Doradczo Księgowej Poncyljusz i Radź
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