News 2016-01-19

West-Pomeranian Technical University to educate chemists for Azoty Group

In February 45 students are set to begin engineering studies specialising in olefins manufacturing process. The best graduates with Masters' degrees will find employment in the largest propylene manufacturing plant in Europe which is set to be erected in Police.

Prof. Jacek Soroka, prof. Włodzimierz Kiernożycki (ZUT), Wojciech Naruć, Rafał Kuźmiczonek (vicepresident of GA ZCH Police SA), Jacek Nowak, CEO of PDH Polska SA /fot.: SG / Prof. Jacek Soroka, prof. Włodzimierz Kiernożycki (ZUT), Wojciech Naruć, Rafał Kuźmiczonek (vicepresident of GA ZCH Police SA), Jacek Nowak, CEO of PDH Polska SA /fot.: SG /
At the beginning of academic year 2015/2016, the West-Pomeranian Technical University in Szczecin is introducing a new subject on the request of PDH SA, a subsidiary of the Azoty Z.Ch. Police SA. Group. The company will co-fund the new study programme.
The University promises potential students of the new programme steady and well-paid employment after graduation. Is also tempts students with scholarships and additional stipends from the Azoty Group, which is going to be the highest in Poland. The Group also guarantees internships for a period from four to six weeks.
“We are not putting the recruitment off until the last moment. We need both experienced personnel and employees with the relevant university degree for the construction of our new installation. In addition, a school in Police will teach technicians for our new plant”, says Wojciech Naruć, Deputy Chairman of Azoty Group Z.Ch. Police SA.
“An agreement between the University and such a big business undertaking is a pioneering initiative. It is innovative because the company shares the costs of a fairly specialist educational programme. What we have here is education on request”, says Professor Włodzimierz Kiernożycki, the Rector of the West Pomeranian Technical University.
Professor Jacek Socha, the Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering of the West Pomeranian Technical University, says 45 students will begin the new field of study, although at the beginning PDH will be able to provide only 22 jobs to graduates. “But I hope this will only be the case at the beginning. This relationship will help us reduce the number of young, educated people leaving the region”, says the Dean and points to the long-term relationship between the town of Police and his department. In the 1970s., the chemical company was the founder of the so-called ‘new chemistry faculty building’ at al. Piastów in Szczecin.
aktualizowano: 2016-01-30 20:14
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