Goes International has launched its International Edition in English. It is a result of the cooperation with the renowned consulting company - Deloitte., the first Western Pomeranian business portal, has launched its English language version available at It is a result of the cooperation with the renowned consulting company - Deloitte. is the only private website in Western Pomerania so widely available for English speaking readers. At its readers can find regional business news, profiles of entrepreneurs, information about entertainment in Western Pomerania and photos from major business events. Business calendar of Western Pomerania and Berlin is translated into English as well.
The International Edition of the portal is addressed to foreign managers and entrepreneurs working in Western Pomerania and potential foreign investors, who consider locating their businesses in the North West of Poland. The intention of the publisher, AB Press, is to reach Scandinavian and German readers in particular. was created in September 2008. It is a source of business news for entrepreneurs, managers and people interested in the business life of Western Pomerania. In June 2009 the layout of the website was changed and the home page was expanded, which has facilitated navigation and improved the appearance.
Deloitte is the official partner of the international version of
Deloitte Poland is one of the leading professional services organizations in the country, providing services in the following areas: audit, tax, legal, strategic and technology consulting, risk management and financial advisory.
Deloitte has been operating in Poland since 1990. Company's head office is located in Warsaw, with the network of local offices in the major Polish cities: Kraków, Gdańsk, Łódź, Wrocław, Katowice, Poznań and Szczecin. Thus, the company is able to better and faster serve clients from the southern, northern and western Poland, at the same time obtaining in-depth knowledge regarding their local business environment. Deloitte offices in Poland employ over 1 000 people.
For the nineteen years in Poland, Deloitte has developed the firm, increasing the number of our employees and client base, among others through mergers with local audit and bookkeeping businesses. This strategy has enabled the company to provide its clients with top quality services, combining global knowledge and resources, including over 165 000 employees working in 140 countries, with valuable experience of local market professionals.
Deloitte's clients include large domestic enterprises, financial sector and public institutions as well as large international organizations operating in Poland. In order to meet clients’ expectations, the company provides comprehensive and complementary services, implementing seamless service standards, universal methodologies and offering top quality expertise covering all industries and economy sectors.