Start! Technopark has been opened
40 companies employing nearly 400 people, 10 thousand square meters of useable area and the total value of PLN 100 million - these are the main figures that define the new extended Technopark Pomerania which was officially opened on March, 23.
The idea of a centre supporting innovative companies, later named Technopark Pomerania, originated in 2007. The plan was to construct and properly equip three new structures at ul. Niemierzyńska in Szczecin, for the needs of development of and support to ICT business and new technologies.
The construction works were started in June 2011 and after less than three years the investment has been completed. The inauguration will take place on March, 23, 2015.
The value of the investment project equals PLN 100 million and this amount includes the costs of converting the first Technopark building at ul. Niemierzyńska which has been operational since 2010. The investment project has received a Regional Operational programme subsidy of nearly PLN 30 million (i.e. 40 per cent of the overall funds spent).
The complex covers the area of over 10 thousand square meters, including 6 thousand square meters of office space. The Business Incubator Centre (4100 square meters) is a platform for meetings, exchanging ideas and starting new business relations that in future may result in cooperation and industry insights. The Innovation Centre (approx. 5000 square meters) has been created for the needs of companies that operate in the sphere of e-commerce, outsourcing, electronic banking, telecommuting, telemedicine, e-learning and help desk. The Computer Centre (1700 square meters) is assigned for the purposes of technical facilities - the server room and all the equipment necessary for the companies operating in Technopark is located there.
Technopark Pomerania creates a comprehensive business environment with offices, conference rooms, business meeting and service design areas as well as open space fitting the needs of individual and collaborative work. It also houses a kindergarten and a lunchbar. 40 firms and organizations employing the total of 400 people have already moved in there. “These companies are at various stages of development – from start-ups, through micro, small and average-sized enterprises, to large IT businesses that use business advisory services provided within the incubator and expansion programs”, says Katarzyna Witkowska, the Manager of the Development Department of Technopark Pomerania. Among the current lessees are: Smart Monitor, Brandbank, Marine Technology, Wedding Day Media,, Meelogic, Ingenious Technology, Stettiner, Astor Infel and Organizations that support the development of advanced technologies, such as Netcamp Foundation, ICT Pomorze Zachodnie Cluster, Hackerspace, Aegis Foundation and SzLUUG, have their headquarters there too. Sagra Technology is the strategic lessee.
12 other companies have spots reserved for them, but there still is some space available for lease. Technopark currently has 48 virtual lessees that use its business consulting services.
So far, Technopark has extended support to almost 90 companies. As much as 92 per cent of the entities formed under the umbrella of the incubator - Uniquesoft, Wedding Day Media, Smart Monitor, inProjects, Teonite, PLOG, INTERmedia, NTConsult, Marine Technology and Wellserved among them - are still operational. This testifies to the success of the Technopark concept.
“The activity of Technopark Pomerania is focused on developing innovative entrepreneurship in the region, supporting the local firms and boosting the appeal of the city for foreign companies", explains Katarzyna Witkowska. Technopark provides services within the incubation program (start-ups and small businesses) and the expansion program (developing companies) - they include comprehensive business advisory, support in the scope of management and obtaining loan and credit facilities, legal and accounting advice, consultations with a marketing/ PR experts, professional IT and managerial training courses.
Launching data centre services is planned this year. “At the end of 2015 we will open the largest server room in the region which will allow us to store and process data safely in the cloud. This means that not only the companies that are physically present in Technopark, but also other enterprises in our region, medical units and public administration entities will be able to use our IT services via internet”, says Justyna Siwińska, the representative of the PR Department of Technopark Pomerania. “Within the nearest future we intend to concentrate specifically on providing support to companies that want to obtain subsidies from EU and capital funds,” she adds.
Apart from the opening gala, a business meeting entitled “Technopark – the meeting point” with the participation of the economist - Ryszard Petru and Roman Młodkowski - the former editor-in-chief of TVN CNBC, will be held on March, 23, 2015. Many attractions, such as a show of technological innovations, creative workshops for children, concerts and an art exhibition are planned for the following day, i.e. March 24.
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