News 2013-08-20

Start! He develops himself and others

Drums and coaching - Bogdana Kulik’s two passions which he decided to turn into source of income.   This is how Centrum Rozwoju Umiejętności was founded

Bogdan Kulik  /fot.: ŁP / Bogdan Kulik /fot.: ŁP /

The activity of Centrum Rozwoju Umiejętności – Centre for Skills’ Development  - is focused on organization of training courses in the scope of development of interpersonal skills as well as integration, drum &rhythm workshops for kids, teenagers and adults.       “We have two core lines of business,” – explains Bogdan Kulik, the owner.  “The first one is organisation of interpersonal soft skills’ training courses and individual coaching.   The other is conducting rhythm & drum workshops with elements of music therapy. Such workshops are mainly designed for children, but grown-ups can participate too.  

Rhythm& drum workshops are usually held in kindergartens, primary schools and cultural centres,   but they may also constitute a part of a company event – the centre cooperates with a number of event agencies.   The representatives of ‘the world of business’ however usually opt for training courses and coaching.   The Centre’s offer includes group training sessions for the company’s employees to hone their skills and capabilities as well as individual meetings that are frequently selected by executives.  Additionally, the centre also cooperates with large training firms all over Poland.   

Drums have been Bogdan Kulik’s passion for years. His interest in them was kindled many years ago, when he was growing up in Oleck.    He took part in his first workshops there, and he perfected his skills over the years. At some point he started making his own drums and finally, he co-authored a workshop series.    Bogdan Kulik was working as a teacher at the time. Then tree years ago he moved to Szczecin and began looking for ideas how to live his life in the future.    “I had to do my own coaching, think about what my future should look like, what I want to devote my time to and how to go about it,” – he recollects. “Drums were my passion and I had a keen interest in workshops.  I did my market research and noticed that no such drum-related services could be found in Szczecin.  At the same time, I was enhancing my knowledge and coach competences.  I graduated from the coaching school and received the International Coach Federation Certificate,” – he says. 

The availability of an EU subsidy for setting up his own business also prompted Mr Kulik to start his own firm.    The competition jury took a liking to his business idea and thus, he obtained the funds for the facilities and equipment.  First of all, he purchased several dozen drums and other musical instruments needed for the workshops.   Then he bought the equipment used during training sessions:  a screen, projector, camera, etc. “Without that money it would be much harder for me to get started, that is for sure,” – he adds.

The beginnings were centred around winning first clients.   “Creating a service offer, meetings with the heads of educational institutions and companies interested in personal development of their employees – it was not easy, but luckily, many people believed my idea was attractive. New contacts pay off as orders come in.  Starting from September, I will conduct regular rhythm and drum workshops at the Music Division of the City Cultural Centre.    As far as coaching is concerned, I gained my first clients as part of my coaching certificate. Now , thanks to recommendations, further coaching and training orders are placed.  

Bogdan Kulik also cooperates with other coaches, consultants and cultural coordinators.     He does his best to divide his time and commitment between both types of his business activity, but he admits that currently, his training courses generate most income.       At the same time, he points out that the costs of running business, especially full social insurance contributions that kick in two years after launching business activity, constitute a considerable burden.      “Two years is too short a period to spread your wings.  I believe that the preferential treatment should be in place a bit longer,”- he admits.

Despite that, he is teeming with ideas for further growth and business activity. “Appetite comes with eating,” - he says.   “My aim is to organize events that will combine development of the participants’ interpersonal skills with music playing.     Of course, it will be connected with expanding my business, soliciting new clients and finding new targets.  I am also thinking about getting orders from abroad.   I care about finding the right balance in devoting my time to my family, work and personal growth.”


aktualizowano: 2013-09-19 08:54
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