News 2017-09-19

Food trucks park next to craneozaurs

The Żegluga Szczecińska company allocated some space for food trucks in Nabrzeże Starówka, right next to historic cranes. Two trucks have already parked there.
 /fot.: UM Szczecin / /fot.: UM Szczecin /
Food trucks can stay in this location until the end of September.  
Piotr Zieliński of Szczecin City Council’s press office says that slots are still available for more food truck owners.
The rent is PLN 50 a month per 1 sq. m plus a fee of PLN 1.00 per 1 kWh energy use. 
The opening hours can be decided by individual business owners.
Ultimately, we will provide room for five food trucks in this location,” says Piotr Zieliński. “Szczecin inhabitants have until the end of September to taste, among others, Thai ice-cream, waffles, freshly squeezed juices, French fries and burgers.
Piotr Zieliński indicates that the following brands confirmed their presence in the location:  DżusWóz, Pitburger, Tuk Tuk, Bistro Pod Przykrywką, Bubble Waffle Factory.
aktualizowano: 2020-09-04 11:56
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