News 2009-12-29

Effective Investing

We are talking with Barbara Bartkowiak, President of Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation developing AMBER Business Angel Network, about PEF proposal addressed to interested investors.

Barbara Bartkowiak, President of Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation Barbara Bartkowiak, President of Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation

Mrs Bartkowiak, who are Business Angels and what benefits can they reap from their involvement in the Network?

- People who have some disposable equity and want to invest it can become Business Angles in AMBER Network. Declaration of PLN 100,000 available for investment purposes is our admission threshold. Moreover, we require certain business experience, ideally in a given industry, because it is the second argument, besides the equity, which motivates company managers to look for an investor.

Investment experience is welcome, but it is not a must because the contact with other investors and our specialised training will be of help in this respect.

Access to good investment proposals is the main benefit; investors evaluate those proposals according to their own criteria and it is up to them to make the investment decision. Our role is to select best projects and enhance their investment readiness
in a way that an investor has as much necessary information as possible to make an informed decision. What’s important, our cooperation with investors is based on confidentiality: we do not disclose their personal data, nor transaction details.

Why is it beneficial to invest in young companies?

- First and foremost, young companies offer greater equity multiplication opportunities in comparison to other instruments. We look for projects which are to be a revolution, ideally on a global scale, and offer good exit opportunities in terms of reselling shares or stocks at a profit. Moreover, investments of this type make it possible to exercise control over how the invested equity is spent, and respond to unfavourable trends quickly. In case of such investments, risk is very high but it can be mitigated by sharing experience and networking; in other words: by coaching or mentoring.

Are there many companies that one can invest in?

- In Poland there are still not so many companies which are ready in investment terms but more and more frequently we come across business cases which would justify drawing investors’ attention to them. On the other hand there is a lot of very interesting ideas or business concepts which should be elaborated, at least in terms of a business plan.

Why is Foundation developing AMBER Network?

First and foremost, we want to fill a gap in the market and create favourable conditions for development of innovative companies in our region. Our mission is to support entrepreneurship, including the very innovative one. We have adequate capacity, knowledge and experience to be a credible partner for investors and, at the same time, select and support business projects.

It is also important that we are already looking for projects that we shall invest in ourselves. We have created a seed fund called POMERANUS SEED and soon we will start inviting Business Angels to co-invest. Cooperation with private investors will reduce the investment risk borne by stakeholders.

Those interested in investing are encouraged to contact us directly, and visit our website at:


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aktualizowano: 2009-12-29 14:09
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