After Hours 2015-09-01

Autumn regattas for the business

Sailing teams representing businesses are invited to take part in the 5th round of Szczecin Regatta League.

Teams taking part in the event consist of 4-8 people /fot.: press materials / Teams taking part in the event consist of 4-8 people /fot.: press materials /
Szczecin Regatta League is a project initiated in 2013 by PMTevents, in cooperation with Yacht Klub Polski Szczecin, Marina’Club in Szczecin and Polish Match Tour. Full regatta seasons have been organized so far. The winners are awarded the title of the League Master and a challenge cup of Szczecin Regatta League.
The intention of Szczecin Regatta League is to provide regional firms and institutions with the opportunity to participate in yacht racing. Participation in events organized by the League offers local organizations a chance to activate staff and foster a positive team spirit. It is also an occasion to develop new relationships, build the company image in its business environment and to promote the organization.
Apart from perfecting sailing skills with the support of top Polish sport sailors, crews will compete in a spectacular formula of short races in the waters of West Pomerania. The regatta is planned for four days during weekends from 26 September to 17 October. Crews will sail on TOM28 sport yachts and after the races they will have a chance to socialize in the evenings.
‘Sailing skills of the crews have improved considerably from amateur level in the first season of the event. Now the crews sail in all weather conditions, using additional spinnaker sails which require advanced sailing skills. The differences in times were really insignificant,’ adds Maciej Cylupa, organizer of the regatta.
‘Any persons willing to have a good start and thoroughly prepare for the season are invited to Świnoujście, where Regatta Academy PMT will be launched on 12-13 September. We are planning a lot of theoretical lectures, sailing practice supported with video analysis and a lot of individual training,’ adds Maciej Cylupa. Training days will also be organized from 1 September.
The winner of the most recent spring round of SLR was PKO Leasing crew followed by Deloitte and EOL. The previous regattas were led by Deloitte Adventure Team, Baltic Forwarding Company and EOL - The Best Advisors Team.
For more information about Szczecin Regatta League and for registration please go to is one of project partners.
utworzono : 2015-09-01 23:34
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